Yovani Gallardo Collection (7/7/2018)

Gallardo was with the Brewers when I came back into collecting. In the 2015 offseason, he was traded to Texas in exchange for Marcos Diplan (at the time, an 18-year-old lottery ticket), Corey Knebel, and Luis Sardiñas. Knebel made the majors in 2015 and became the Brewers closer and an all-star in 2017, while Sardiñas has bounced from the Brewers to Seattle to San Diego and, in 2018, to Baltimore. 

Based on the return and how Gallardo did with Texas, I think both teams did okay for what they wanted. Texas lost in the ALDS in 2015, and Knebel alone is doing reasonably well enough to justify the trade.

He tried to come back to Milwaukee in 2018, but he just wasn't good enough.

At any rate, his Brewers cards will remain ones that I try to get. Below are the 184 Gallardos I have.

2006 (4)
Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Futures Game Prospects #FG-13
Bowman Draft Picks & Prospects Futures Game Prospects #FG-13
Bowman Draft Picks & Prospects Futures Game Prospects Gold #FG-13
Bowman Heritage Prospects #41

2007 (8)
Bowman Draft Picks & Prospects #BDP53
Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects #BDP53
Topps Updates & Highlights #UH184
Topps Updates & Highlights Red Back #UH184
Topps Rookie 1952 Edition Dynamic Duo #DD3 (w/Ryan Braun)
Topps Rookie 1952 Edition Chrome #TCRC91 SN1318/1952
Topps Rookie 1952 Edition Chrome Refractor #TCRC91 SN533/552
Topps Turkey Red #186

2008 (14)
Bowman #124
Bowman Chrome #120
Bowman Chrome Refractor #120
Milwaukee Brewers Trempealeau County Sheriff's DARE Program
SP Legendary Cuts Memorable Moments #85 SN 1/1

Topps #39
Topps Allen & Ginter #121
Topps Chrome #11
Topps Chrome #11 National Sports Collectors Convention Embossed
Topps Heritage #200
Topps Heritage Chrome #C185 SN462/1959
Topps Opening Day #17
Upper Deck #53
Upper Deck Baseball First Edition #44

2009 (21)
Bowman #106
Bowman Gold #106
Milwaukee Brewers Gameday Issue No. 3
Milwaukee Brewers West Bend Police & American Recycling, Inc.
Milwaukee Brewers City of Waukesha Police & Waukesha Sports Cards
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/Time Warner Cable Magnet
O-Pee-Chee Black #403
Topps #502
Topps Target Parallel #502
Topps 206 #235
Topps 206 Mini Piedmont Back #235
Topps Allen & Ginter #347
Topps Allen & Ginter National Pride Insert #NP36
Topps Chrome #142
Topps Chrome Refractor #142
Topps Ticket to Stardom #38
Topps Ticket to Stardom Perforated #38
Topps Unique #112
Upper Deck #213
Upper Deck First Edition #167
Upper Deck Goudey #110

2010 (19)
Bowman #71
Bowman Throwback #BT93
Bowman Chrome #104
Milwaukee Brewers Wisconsin Capitol Police
Topps #176
Topps 206 #39
Topps Allen & Ginter #43
Topps Allen & Ginter This Day In History Insert #TDH46
Topps Attax #65
Topps Attax Code Cards Series 2 #6
Topps Chrome #58
Topps Chrome Refractor #58
Topps Heritage #284
Topps National Chicle #121
Topps Opening Day #78
Topps Turkey Red #TR13
Upper Deck #297
Upper Deck #586 (Team Checklist, w/Ryan Braun)
Upper Deck Portraits Insert #SE-48

2011 (27)
Bowman #144
Bowman Gold Parallel #144
Bowman International Parallel #144
Bowman Chrome Gold Parallel #128 SN37/50
Milwaukee Brewers Waukesha Police and Waukesha Sports Cards
Panini Playoff Contenders #46
Panini Playoff Contenders Crystal Collection #46 SN66/299
Panini Playoff Contenders Crystal Collection #46 SN89/299
Topps #465
Topps Diamond Anniversary Parallel #465
Topps Diamond Duos Series 2 #DD-8 (with Zack Greinke)
Topps Allen & Ginter #287
Topps Allen & Ginter Glossy Factory Set #287 SN979/999
Topps Allen & Ginter A&G Back Mini #287
Topps Allen & Ginter Rip Card #RC86 SN17/99 (Ripped)
Topps Allen & Ginter Hometown Heroes #HH69
Topps Attax #205
Topps Chrome #61
Topps Chrome Refractor #61
Topps Chrome Xfractor #61
Topps Chrome Purple Refractor #61 SN104/499
Topps Heritage #329
Topps Lineage 1975 Mini Relics #75R-YG
Topps Lineage #166
Topps Lineage Diamond Anniversary #166 (Shiny)
Topps Lineage Diamond Anniversary Diamond Refractor #166
Topps Opening Day #171

2012 (31)
Bowman #113
Bowman Gold Parallel #113
Bowman Chrome #71
Bowman Chrome Refractor #71
Bowman Platinum Cutting Edge Stars Die Cut #CES-YG
Finest Refractor #36
Milwaukee Brewers Waukesha Police Safety Set
Panini Prizm #62
Panini Prizm Green Prizm #62
Panini Prizm Red Prizm #62
Panini Triple Play #48
SP Signature Edition #MIL14 (w/Cutter Dykstra)
Topps #654
Topps Allen & Ginter #222
Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Gold Border #222
Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Printing Plate Cyan #222 SN1/1
Topps Archives #104
Topps Archives 1956 Relics #56R-YG
Topps Chrome #142
Topps Chrome Refractor #142
Topps Gypsy Queen #155
Topps Gypsy Queen Mini #155a
Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Relic #GMQR-YG
Topps Gypsy Queen Relic #GQR-YG
Topps Heritage #7 (Win Leaders with Halladay, Kennedy, Kershaw, Lee, and Greinke)
Topps Heritage #9 (K Leaders with Halladay, Kershaw, Lee, and Lincecum)
Topps Heritage #201a
Topps Heritage Black #HP94 (NL Win Leaders)
Topps Mini #654
Topps Opening Day #165
Topps Tribute #21

2013 (38)
Bowman #64
Bowman Gold #64
Bowman Silver Ice Parallel #64
Bowman Chrome #151
Bowman Chrome Refractor #151
Bowman Platinum Cutting Edge Stars #CES-YG
Panini Hometown Heroes #220
Panini Hometown Heroes State Parallel #220
Panini Pinnacle #127
Panini Pinnacle Museum Collection #127
Panini Prizm Red Prizm Parallel #133
Panini Triple Play #48
Sega Card-Gen #294
Topps #149
Topps Walmart Blue #149
Topps Allen & Ginter #292
Topps Allen & Ginter Mini #292
Topps Archives #154
Topps Archives Gold #154 (SN80/199)
Topps Chrome #13
Topps Chrome Refractor #13
Topps Chrome X-Fractor #13
Topps Gypsy Queen #174
Topps Gypsy Queen Mini #174
Topps Gypsy Queen Black Mini #174 SN119/199
Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Relic #GQMR-YG
Topps Gypsy Queen Autographs #GQA-YG
Topps Gypsy Queen Relics #GQR-YG
Topps Heritage #476 (short-print)
Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics #CCR-YG
Topps Milwaukee Brewers #MIL8
Topps Mini #149
Topps Opening Day #21
Topps Opening Day Blue Sparkle Parallel #21 SN1617/2013
Topps Stickers #199
Topps Tier One Crowd Pleaser Autographs #YG SN26/99
Topps Tribute Autographs Sepia #TA-YGO SN7/35
Topps Tribute Autographs #TA-YGO2 SN89/99

2014 (15)
Bowman #64
Bowman State/Hometown Parallel #64
Bowman Silver Ice #64
Bowman Chrome #58
Donruss #313
Donruss Jersey Kings #12 (Jersey Relic)
Topps #388a
Topps #388b (Sparkle Variation)
Topps Archives #133
Topps Gypsy Queen #174
Topps Heritage #349
Topps Milwaukee Brewers #MIL-8
Topps Mini #388
Topps Opening Day #176
Topps Stickers #229

2015 (7)
Topps 2013 Allen & Ginter 10th Anniversary Issue Buyback #292
Topps Gypsy Queen #58
Topps Gypsy Queen White Framed #58
Topps Gypsy Queen Mini #58
Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Silver #58 SN84/199
Topps Heritage #124
Topps Opening Day #61

2018 (1)
Topps #458

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